Vyro is selected by Anvisa for regulatory monitoring
We are honored to announce that Vyro Bio has been selected by Anvisa to participate in […]

We are honored to announce that Vyro Bio has been selected by Anvisa to participate in the regulatory guidance program aimed at innovative startups in the development of medications. This initiative will provide crucial support in our process of radical innovation, ensuring regulatory compliance and accelerating the delivery of cutting-edge therapeutic solutions. This achievement reinforces our commitment to Vyro Bio’s mission and purpose of transforming healthcare through radical innovation and patient safety with accessible therapies and the possibility of incorporation into the SUS.
The initiative is aligned with the guidelines of the National Strategy for the Development of the Health Economic-Industrial Complex and Anvisa’s Innovation Policy, promoted and fostered by ABIQUIFI, in partnership with Sail for Health. Its objective is to accelerate market access to new medications, addressing the urgent medical needs of the population. This opportunity will allow Vyro to be even more aligned with regulatory strategies and bring us closer to having an effective, safe treatment accessible to those who need it most.
This support from Anvisa is an important step for our pioneering work in radical health innovation. We recognize and thank Anvisa, GECIS, ABIQUIFI, and Sail for Health for the importance of their work, which is fundamental for the development of Brazil, promoting public health and radical innovation in the biotechnology sector.
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