Vyro in the Media: Vyro’s pioneering study is featured in Veja Magazine
What arose from tragedy now has the potential to defeat brain tumors and save lives. Our […]

What arose from tragedy now has the potential to defeat brain tumors and save lives. Our pioneering study was featured in Veja Magazine, highlighting the importance of our mission. Inspired by the invasive nature of the Zika Virus, we harness its destructive potential to combat cancer – especially glioblastoma, a malignant disease of the central nervous system.
Following successful animal testing, Vyro is about to commence clinical trials with patients – a pioneering initiative globally.
To read the full article, access: https://veja.abril.com.br/saude/pioneiro-estudo-brasileiro-usa-o-zika-virus-na-missao-de-atacar-o-cancer
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